Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Interactive Tea Party

So now its Christmas and yes I am still alive and well.

Wow its been very busy these last few weeks! My Dissertation on 'to what extent home interiors magazines portray domesticity,' which has taken up a great deal of time, is finally in and finished. So now its just Adaptive Spaces from here on! Im very exited to get my teeth stuck in, and I will aim to keep you updated as much as I can.

I have done some interesting group work with other members of my course this term. Between the six members of our team we came up with the idea of an interactive tea party as a method to engage people and get information to build on for our separate projects. We held two of these, the first of which was on the top of Arther's Seat, the hill in the centre of Edinburgh.

We provided free tea and biscuits for any who were willing to take part in a quick game and a discussion, which was most people as the walk is reasonably steep.


We got there at about twelve and set up camp, displaying posters at various points on the journey up to the top. Soon we were overrun with people!


The game was based around a set of cards displaying pictures relating to different areas of the home, work or activities for leisure or travel which we named 'play'. We asked the participants to choose a number of cards that reflected certain aspects of their lives, and then used this as an ice breaker and a method of further discussion.


We repeated this in an indoor location in the newly opened Ephemeris Tea Room, on Marchmont Crescent. This was also successful and allowed us to speak to a range of people, including those who would be unlikely to venture up Arther's Seat.


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